Rush Pack Photography
About | Studio | Outdoor | Sports | Celebration of Life | End of Life | FAQ | Contact | Image Store | Dog Training

Indoor photography that takes place at my studio in Grain Valley, MO. Mini sessions & regular sessions.
Outdoor photo sessions take place at pet friendly parks located within 40 miles of Grain Valley.
Sport photography typically takes places at dog sport events, trials or clinics/training. Can also be action shots of your pups doing their favorite things
Celebrating your dogs and the amazing life they've lived. Capturing some of their favorite moments while they still have the heart and feel good to do the things.
Very similiar to our "Celebration of Life" sessions. However, "End of Life" sessions are catered around your dogs final day(s) of life before you have to say goodbye.

© Copyright 2023 | Created by Jess with The Rush Pack | All Rights Reserved